Selenium WebDriver Commands

Finding your way around Selenium WebDriver may be a fascinating adventure that offers many chances to change the way you approach automation testing. Understanding Selenium WebDriver's instructions, which are the gears that drive your automation engine, is essential to mastering it. Your detailed guide to Selenium WebDriver commands can be found in this blog post. Let's start now!

What is Selenium WebDriver?

An open-source programme called Selenium WebDriver is used to automate web browser testing. Compared to other test automation tools, it enables a more natural, immersive connection with your browser. WebDriver, a component of the Selenium toolkit, is essential for creating dependable, browser-based test automation.

Numerous commands provided by WebDriver make it easier to write effective automation scripts. These commands can be broadly divided into three groups: navigation commands, browser commands, and web element commands.

Browser Commands:

1. get("URL"): This command opens a new browser tab and directs the user to the supplied URL.

2. getTitle(): This command provides the current page's title.

3. getCurrentUrl(): returns the string corresponding to the URL that the browser is now viewing.

4. close(): The current browser window is closed using this command.

5. quit (): Use the quit() command to close all open browser windows..

Web Element Commands:

1.findElement(): findElements() commands are used to find an individual web element or a set of elements within a web page.

2. sendKeys("text"): This command enters a text box with the provided text.

3. click(): This function clicks on a web element.

4. getText(): use the getText() command to retrieve the innerText of the chosen web element.

5. clear(): This command removes all text or input from a text box or input box.

6. The commands isDisplayed() and isEnabled() determine if a web page's elements are displayed or active.isSelected(): It checks whether a checkbox, radio button, or an option in the select dropdown is selected or not.

Navigation Commands:

1. navigate().to("URL"): This command directs the browser to the specified URL in the same way as get("URL") does.

2. The commands navigate().forward() and navigate().back() allow access to the previous and subsequent web pages in the browser history, respectively.

3. The navigate().refresh() instruction is used to update the current web page.

4. The window handle is used by navigate().window("window handle") to switch the focus from one window to another.

5. switchTo().frame(), moves the WebDriver's focus to a specified frame or iframe.

Your Selenium WebDriver automation scripts' core building elements are these commands. Each of these commands is essential for interacting with web components, contacting the browser, and navigating between web pages.


Selenium WebDriver's strength is in its ability to mimic human-like online application interaction. Your journey will go more smoothly, and your test scripts will be more effective, if you comprehend and use these commands. But keep in mind that practise makes perfect. Happy evaluating!