Mastering Selenium Locators: A Complete Guide

two women standing in front of a white board board
two women standing in front of a white board board

The Selenium framework, a well-liked option for online automation testing, has drawn a lot of interest from the software testing community. Selenium Locators are a key component of this automation technology that make it possible for testers to easily explore web pages. This blog post will go in-depth on how to grasp these potent Selenium Locators.

What Are Selenium Locators?

Selenium Locators give testers a means to pick out the HTML components on a website that they want to interact with or examine. As they allow the tester to recognise components on a webpage and carry out activities like click, input, select, etc., they serve as the foundation of web automation testing.

Why Are Selenium Locators Important?

Automation script accuracy is essential. They have to accurately mimic user interaction with a webpage. Selenium Locators excel at this. To guarantee that your scripts work as expected, they provide a variety of ways to select objects including buttons, input boxes, dropdown menus, radio buttons, checkboxes, and more.

Types of Selenium Locators

Eight different types of locators are available in Selenium, each of which gives a distinctive approach to choose elements on a webpage:

1. ID: The quickest and most effective way to find an element is by using its ID. A web element is given a specific identification by the 'id' attribute, which Selenium utilises to find the element.

2. Name: When the 'name' property is present, this locator is also dependable. Names, in contrast to IDs, are not always unique, which can result in choosing numerous components.

3. Class Name: This uses the class attribute to find components. It might return more than one element because many elements can share the same class. Selenium Training and Placement in Vizag

4. Tag Name: Since tag names are rarely distinctive, this locator is less frequently utilised. When you need to choose a collection of items with the same tag, nevertheless, it might be useful.

5. Link Text: As its name implies, only hyperlinks can use this location. It locates a link by comparing the precise text it shows.

6. Partial Link Text: This locator allows you to match a section of the link text, giving you greater flexibility in link identification. It works similarly to the Link Text locator.

7. CSS Selector: CSS Selectors offer a variety of choices for selecting components based on their properties, relationships to other elements, and more. Compared to XPath, they are quicker and easier to read.

8. XPath: XPath uses the element's XML path. Although it can be difficult and slow, it is strong and can navigate up the DOM (parent elements) when other locators can't.

Understanding CSS Selectors and XPath In-Depth

CSS Selectors

CSS selectors offer a strong and adaptable approach to choose items. For instance, we use the # symbol and the ID to pick an element with a particular ID. Similar to this, selecting items that belong to a particular class requires a. before the class name.

The DOM structure can also be browsed using CSS selectors. A space character, for instance, picks descendants while the sign > selects direct children. Additionally, they can choose elements based on characteristics, DOM location, and other criteria.


XPath offers a very effective approach to navigate the DOM despite being more complicated. It uses the element's XML path and, unlike CSS selectors, may choose elements regardless of where they are in the DOM. In contrast to CSS selectors, XPath can be slower and more difficult to interpret.


Writing successful automation scripts requires a solid understanding of Selenium Locators. Although each locator type has advantages and disadvantages, having a thorough understanding of all types will help you choose the right one for each circumstance. Therefore, explore with these many locators, learn how they operate, and advance your automation testing. Happy evaluating!