different types of tally vouchers

Understanding the Different Types of Tally Vouchers

1. Sales Voucher

  • Definition: Sales vouchers are used to record all sales transactions.
  • Purpose: Track sales data to manage inventory and revenue.
  • Entries: Includes details like date, customer name, item description, and quantity.

2. Purchase Voucher

  • Definition: Used for recording purchases made from suppliers.
  • Purpose: Maintain a record of all items purchased and the related expenses.
  • Entries: Date, supplier details, items purchased, and their costs.

3. Payment Voucher

  • Definition: Records all payments made by the business.
  • Purpose: Helps in tracking all outflows of cash.
  • Entries: Beneficiary name, purpose of payment, and amount.

4. Receipt Voucher

  • Definition: Records all receipts received by the business.
  • Purpose: Helps in tracking all inflows of cash.
  • Entries: Details of the payer, purpose, and amount received.

5. Journal Voucher

  • Definition: Used for non-cash transactions and adjustments.
  • Purpose: Adjust debit and credit entries for transactions that are not cash-related.
  • Entries: Proper accounting heads to ensure balanced books.

6. Contra Voucher

  • Definition: Records internal cash and bank transfers.
  • Purpose: Helps to manage internal transfers like fund movement between banks or from cash to bank.
  • Entries: Source account, destination account, and amount transferred.

7. Debit Note

  • Definition: Issued for purchase returns or when the supplier has overcharged.
  • Purpose: Adjusts accounts receivable and payable.
  • Entries: Supplier details, reason for issuance, and amount.

8. Credit Note

  • Definition: Issued for sales returns or when an overcharge to a customer has been made.
  • Purpose: Adjusts accounts receivable and payable.
  • Entries: Customer details, reason for issuance, and amount.

9. Delivery Note

  • Definition: Acknowledges the delivery of goods to a customer.
  • Purpose: Keeps a record of goods dispatched and received.
  • Entries: Details of the items, delivery address, and quantities.

10. Receipt Note

  • Definition: Acknowledges the receipt of goods from a supplier.
  • Purpose: Validates the receipt of inventory.
  • Entries: Supplier details, description of goods, and quantities.

11. Reversing Journal Voucher

  • Definition: Temporary adjustment entries that automatically reverse on a specified date.
  • Purpose: Adjust accounts temporarily without permanent changes.
  • Entries: Accounting heads that need temporary adjustments.

For more detailed and professional guidance, you can check out Tally Training in Vizag.

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